Computational Fluid Dynamics
(Masters Programme)
Prof. Dr. Božidar Šarler
Assist. Prof. Dr. Boštjan Mavrič
Teaching assistant:
Tch. Asst. Krištof Kovačič
Full Course Description
About the Course
- Introduction and Motivation
- Overview of the governing equations which are tackled in the framework of computational fluid dynamics and their specifics from the numerical point of view
- Elemens of computational fluid dynamics
- Basis of solution procedures of fluid dynamcs equations
- Space discretization of scalar and vector fields of fluid dynamics shape ad weighting functions
- Time discretisation of scalar and vector fields of fluid dynamics
- Finite volume method for steady diffusion problems
- Finite volume method for steady convection-diffusion problems
- Coupling of velocity and pressure in finite volume method
- Specifics of computation of systems of equations in computational fluid dynamics
- Finite volume method for transient problems
- Numerical implementation of boundary conditions
- Errors and uncertainty in computational fluid dyamics
- Coupling of computational fluid dynamics simulations with other simulations
- Specifics of simulation of complicated systems with computational fluid dynamics