Prof. dr. Božidar Šarler je predsedoval 9. mednarodnemu plenarnemu kongresu Eurotherm 2024, ki ga je pod okriljem organizacije Eurotherm organizirala fakulteta za strojništvo Univerze v Ljubljani. Kongres je potekal na Bledu med 10. in 13. junijem 2024.
Managing High Heat Loads in Extreme X-ray Optics
Dr. Saša Bajt
Lead Scientist at DESY
PX-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFELs) are large accelerator-based X-ray sources that produce extremely intense X-ray light in pulses of femtosecond duration. They can be
used, for example, for flash photography of macromolecular crystals to decipher how photosynthetic proteins convert and utilize light energy, to generate states in materials
that resemble the conditions in the interior of large planets and stars, or to image shock waves and crack propagation...
The Architecting of Nanomaterials for Water Condensation Applications
Prof. Dimos Poulikakos
Director, Laboratory of Thermodynamics in Emerging Technologies, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
In this lecture I will show that the combination of fundamental knowledge from phase change thermofluidics, surface wetting and rational surface nanofabrication, can lead
to significant advances in condensation heat transfer, with a broad range of industrial applications, ranging from power generation to the chemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries...
Multiphase Transport Phenomena in High-Temperature Solar Thermal Systems
Prof. Wojciech Lipiński
Professor at the Cyprus Institute
High-flux solar irradiation obtained with optical concentrators is a viable source of clean process heat for high-temperature physical and chemical processing.
Traditionally, the progress in concentrating solar thermal technologies has been driven by advancements in concentrated solar power, in particular in the context of large-
scale dispatchable power generation. Solar thermochemistry is concerned with direct thermochemical production of chemical fuels and materials processing, without
intermediate electricity generation, promising high energy conversion efficiency...
Computational Engineering Professor and the Associate Dean for Research, Impact, and Innovation at the Faculty of Science and Engineering
Recent strides in artificial intelligence (AI) have brought about transformative changes across various engineering domains, particularly manufacturing and healthcare.
This impact extends to thermal sciences, where machine and deep learning integration is becoming increasingly prevalent. This lecture aims to provide an insightful
overview of the current state of the art in AI applications within thermal engineering, focusing on the emerging realm of digital twins...
Multiscale Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling in Congenital Heart Disease
Prof. Alain Kassab
Director of the Biomedical Engineering (BME) at the University of Central Florida
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is seen to be increasingly utilized in a wide range of medical applications including device design and surgical treatment planning. CFD
has reached the bedside in the context of personalized medicine. For example, the approach is currently approved to estimate the flow fraction reserve in the treatment
planning for coronary artery disease...
Data-Driven Evolutionary Deep Learning in High Temperature Basic Oxygen Steelmaking Operation
Prof. Nirupam Chakraborti
Co-Editor of the prestigious journal Philosophical Magazine Letters
Basic oxygen steelmaking operation (BOF) is a very complicated high temperature industrial operation. Here in an environment of extreme turbulence, some very
complicated chemical reactions take place in order to produce steel. Analytical models exist for this process but they are however often too difficult and cumbersome to apply
effectively in a real life scenario. In this situation surrogate models constructed from actual industrial data using evolutionary data-driven modelling can actually make a
Multiphase/physics Modelling of Solidification with Industrial Relevance
Prof. Andreas Ludwig
Board member of the Austrian Science Fund
Many industrial-relevant metallurgical processes reveal multiphase and multiphysical features that need to be properly accounted for when describing the process. Besides
the drastic increase in computation power, an increasing number of new advanced models allows nowadays to more and more use numerical tools to optimise production
processes and even help to develop new production methods....
Far Away, So Close: High Resolution Investigations of Boiling Heat Transfer, from Cryogenic Fluids to High-Pressure Water
Assoc. Prof. Matteo Bucci
Associate Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
In every field of science, the possibility of discovering and understanding new phenomena or testing new hypotheses is strongly related to and limited by the
capability of observation. Here, we will discuss recent advances in experimental boiling heat transfer research made possible by unique experimental facilities and non-
intrusive high-resolution optical diagnostic....
Redna in osrednja predavanja so bila razdeljena na različne teme, ki so obsegale splošne seje in sedem posebnih sej. Spodaj se nahajajo povezave do povzetkov prispevkov iz vseh obravnavanih tem: