Mednarodni projekti

OPET mreža

Opis projekta:

Projekti OPET (Organizacija za promocijo energetskih tehnologij) se izvajajo v okviru 5. okvirnega programa EU in v okviru programa ENERGIE. Sodelovanje dveh programov naj bi zagotovilo visok tehnološki nivo ob hkratnem poudarku na inovacijah, prenosu tehnologij, učinkovitem izkoriščanju rezultatov in tesnem sodelovanju s trgom.
UL-FS CEET je član mreže OPET. Mreža OPET obstaja že od leta 1992 in združuje 45 organizacij iz EU, držav Srednje in vzhodne Evrope ter nekaterih neevropskih držav. Članstvo v mreži sorodnih organizacij omogoča možnost hitrega in kakovostnega dostopa do znanj in tehnologij na področju učinkovitih energetskih tehnologij ter omogoča hitrejši prenos novih spoznanj v prakso. Hkrati se z vključevanjem v izvajanje mednarodnih aktivnosti v okviru programov ponujajo tudi nove možnosti za sodelovanje na mednarodni ravni.

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Thermal energy storage (Bilateral project: TUR – SLO)

Opis projekta (EN):

This project aims to realize an intensive cooperation between Slovenia and Turkey to introduce thermal energy storage for efficient use of solar energy in Slovenia and Turkey. The objectives of this project will be to carry out research, development and deployment of activities to define energy and TES requirements for solar heating and cooling applications in different climates and by different users. Material problems and solutions associated with TES solar applications will be identified. New materials for TES in solar heating and cooling systems will be developed. The guidelines for standard methods of evaluating and designing TES systems will be adapted. Using the results of the project, a cost-effective and efficient solar heating and cooling plant for Çukurova University Faculty of Arts and Sciences will be designed. Through exchange activities young researchers in this field will be educated which will increase awareness and the number of experts in this field. Information will be disseminated to a larger group from different sectors through the workshops to be organized. Such dissemination activities will emphasize environmental benefits of reduced fossil fuel consumption and the mutually beneficial combination of solar energy and TES.

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Opis projekta:

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