In this part of the tutorials, it will be demonstrated how ROS can be used to remotely control the mobile robot via PC.
Remote control of the mobile robot
To remotely control the mobile robot, we have to run several ROS nodes: The first node is ROS master node. The second node is a standard ROS node called teleop_twist_keyboard. This node is constantly checking which keys are pressed on a PC keyboard and based on the keys pressed, publishes twist messages on /cmd_vel topic
. Twist message defines what should be the linear and rotational speeds of a mobile robot. Other two nodes, i.e. _socked_node_
and message_info_center
_ from the pakcage _rosserial_server_
, are needed to enable communication between the ROS and the microcontroller on the mobile robot.
Step 1. Switch ON the mobile robot and do the initial setup (WiFI settings, ROS Master IP, etc. Follow the initial setup instructions and instructions on how to connect the mobile robot to ROS under the section MOBILE ROBOT DOCUMENTATION/Getting-started).
Step 2. Run the master node along with other essential components:
Step 3. If the teleop_twist_keyboard package is not already installed on your PC, use the following command to install the teleop_twist_keyboard package:
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-teleop-twist-keyboard
Step 4. In the second terminal, launch the teleop_twist_keyboard node:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
Step 5. In another two terminals launch the nodes socket_node and
rosrun rosserial_server socket_node
rosrun rosserial_python
Alternatively, if you e.g. don't have a real mobile robot, you can do these tasks also with a simulated one. To do this with a simulated robot, you need to launch the simulation:
cd .../rosbot_ros
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch rosbot simulation.launch
and in the second terminal:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
Step 6. Click on the terminal where you have launched the node teleop_twist_keyboard and now you can remotely control the mobile robot by pressing keys on a PC's keyboard (to find out which keys you need to press read the instructions printed out in that terminal).
In a similar way, try to set up a system for controlling the mobile robot via a PC's mouse using the ROS package mouse_teleop. Help: When starting the mouse_teleop node, you must change topic name on which mouse_teleop
node will publish Twist messages (the command to run mouse_teleop
node with a changed topic name to cmd_vel
is rosrun mouse_teleop mouse_vel:=cmd_vel
Additional task
Create a new package remote_control
inside workospace rosbot_ros
cd .../rosbot_ros/src
catkin_create_pkg remote_control std_msgs roscpp
In package remote_control
create a single launch file that will launch all nodes needed for the teleoperation of the mobile robot via the PC's keyboard and mouse.