Laboratory for Internal Combustion Engines and Electromobility


  • Foreign projects:

2023-2027:        EC – Horizon Europe (HORIZON-CL5-2022-D2-01-09): NEXTBMS – NEXT-generation physics and data-based Battery Management Systems for optimised battery utilization

2023-2027:        EC – Horizon Europe (HORIZON-CL5-2022-D2-01-07): FASTEST – Fast-track hybrid testing platform for the development of battery systems 

2023-2027:        EC – Horizon Europe (HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2022-03-01): RealHyFC – REliable durAbLe high-power HYdrogen fueled PEM Fuel Cell stacks 

2023-2027:        EC – Horizon Europe (HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2022-03-02): MEAsureD – Advanced MEAs ensuring high efficiency HDV

2023-2024:        European Space Agency (ESA) project: Advanced simulation models to boost performance of Regenerative Fuel Cell Systems

2022-2026:        EC – Horizon Europe (HORIZON-CL5-2021-D2-01-03): ADVAGEN – Development of ADVAnced next GENeration Solid-State batteries for Electromobility Applications  

2022-2026:        EC – Horizon Europe (HORIZON-CL5-2021-D2-01-05): PULSELiON – PUlsed Laser depoSition tEchnology for soLid State battery manufacturIng supported by digitalizatiON  

2022-2026:        EC – Horizon Europe (HORIZON-CL5-2021-D2-01-02): NEXTCELL – Towards the next generation of high performance li-ion battery cells 

2022-2025:        FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency): MoSiLIB – Modeling and development of silicon-tin sulfide composite anodes for generation 3b MoSiLIB lithium-ion batteries (Austria)

2022-2025:        European Defence Agency: Energy Independent and Efficient Deployable Military Camps

2022-2026:        EC – Horizon Europe: SENERGY NETS – Increase the Synergy among different ENERGY NETworkS

2022-2025:        EC – Life: 3DIVERSE – Decentralization, Diversity and Dynamic load regulation – novel approaches to tangible energy transition                         with diversification of production sources

2022-2024:        ERA-NET ERAMIN3: PHOSTER – Phosphorus and magnesium recovery from waste streams for production of high-value                                        renewable fertilizers

2022-2024:        CEA (Le Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives) – ARRS: Multiscale modelling of degradation phenomena in membrane electrode assemblies of proton exchange membrane fuel cells produced of advanced materials

2022-2023:        European Defence Agency: ELUVAT – Development of an innovative Electric Light Utility Vehicle All-Terrain for defence purposes based on in-wheel electro motors  

2021-2024:        EC – FCH-JU – H2020: MoreLife – Material, Operating strategy and REliability optimisation for LIFEtime improvements in heavy duty trucks

2020-2023:        EC – H2020: BIG-MAP: Battery Interface Genome – Materials Acceleration Platform  

2020-2022:        CELSA – Joint bilateral projects between KU Leuven and University of Ljubljana: Towards continuous combustion of gasified municipal solid waste

2018-2023:        Christian Doppler Research Association, Austria: Christian Doppler Laboratory on Efficient Control and Monitoring of Automotive Powertrain Components with the lead institution TU Vienna

2017-2020:        EC – H2020: OBELICS – Optimization of scalaBle rEaltime modeLs and functIonal testing for e-drive ConceptS – Tomaž Katrašnik is technical officer of the project

2016-2019:        FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency): SoH4PEM – State-of-health observers for PEM fuel cells (Austria)

2015-2019:         COST: Chemistry of Smart Energy Carriers and Technologies (SMARTCATS)

2015-2018:        FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency): MEA-Power – Resource-saving composite materials for long-term stable stationary PEM fuel cells with increased power density (Austria)

2012-2015:        EC – FP7: ASTERICS: Advanced energy Simulation & TEsting under Real world conditions for Innovative electric vehicle Components and Systems

2008-2012:         FP7: CIVITAS ELAN (EC)

  • Domestic projects:

2021-2024:        ARRS (Slovenian Research Agency) and Ministry of Infrastructure – Research project: Preparation of expert documents, design of a database and development of a vehicle simulation model for calculation of the energy and environmental footprint with an aim to optimize implementation of the public transport service

2020-2023:        ARRS (Slovenian Research Agency) – Basic project: Advanced multi-scale modelling of NMC cathode materials for enhanced next-generation energy storage systems

2021-2022:        EU Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS):  Ministry of Defence – SRSS (DG Reform) – Support for Sustainable Energy and Mobility in the Slovenian Defence Sector

2020-2020:        EU Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS): Ministry of infrastructure – SRSS (DG Reform) – Support on Heating and Cooling and Transport Fuels

2019-2022:        Ministry of Science and Education (Slovenia): MOTZART: Efficient development of electric motor by an expert system and new technologies

2017-2020:        ARRS (Slovenian Research Agency) – Basic project: Next-generation electrochemical LiFePO4 battery model, coordinator

2016-2019:        Ministry of Science and Education (Slovenia): NMP: Exploiting the potential of biomass for development of advanced materials and bio-based products

2016-2019:        Ministry of Science and Education (Slovenia): EVA4GREEN: Ecological safe vehicle for green mobility

2013-2016:        ARRS (Slovenian Research Agency) – Applied project: Use of original lignocellulosic biofuel for cogeneration of electric energy and heat, coordinator

2005-2007         ARRS (Slovenian Research Agency) – Postdoctoral project: Contributions to CFD and their application to internal combustion engines, principal investigator

2004-2006:        ARRS (Slovenian Research Agency) – Applied project: Development of an environmentally suitable integrated electric motor-generator