non parametric and parametric linear and nonlinear regression
to run this m file type 'nppregression(sigma)' in the matlab command line, where 'sigma' is parameter of the gauss window function
%function nppregression(sigma) % For HTML demo, function is omitted sigma=0.8; % For HTML demo, value of 0.8 is chosen. close all; % vrednosti enako spremenljivk X in Y X=[2.0,6.5,4.5,2.7,0.1,5.5,4.0,7.1,2.5,2.6]; Y=[4.5,1.2,2.3,3.6,6.2,2.0,3.0,0.1,4.1,3.8]; % dimension of X n=size(X); % plot of points (X,Y) plot(X,Y,'xr'); hold on grid on legend({'X,Y points'})
press "enter" to continue
pause; z = [];
calculation of nonparametric regression Yc=y1/y2 for xmin to xmax with step 0.1
for t=min(X):0.1:max(X) y1=0; y2=0; for i=1:n(2) y1=y1+Y(i)*wgauss(t,X(i),sigma); y2=y2+wgauss(t,X(i),sigma); end y=y1/y2; z = [z; [t y]]; end
plot of Yc
plot(z(:,1),z(:,2),'b.-') legend({'X,Y points';'nonparametric regression'}) hold on
linear regression
pause; x=X'; p=polyfit(X,Y,1) t=min(X):0.1:max(X); ylr=p(1)*t+p(2); plot(t,ylr,'g.-') hold on legend({'X,Y points';'nonparametric regression';'linear regression'})
p = -0.7975 6.0707
quadratic regression
pause; x=X'; p=polyfit(X,Y,2) t=min(X):0.1:max(X); ylr=p(1)*t.^2+p(2)*t+p(3); plot(t,ylr,'m.-') hold on legend({'X,Y points';'nonparametric regression';'linear regression';'quadratic regression'})
p = 0.0103 -0.8760 6.1763