equality test of two normal distributions
for more information type "vartest2" and "ttest2"
two samples of mass of the parts
X1= [102 99 101 98 103 104 101 98 100 102]; X2= [101 100 99 100 104 97 102 100 101 98]; alpha=0.05;
f-test: equality of variances of populations H0(s1=s2)
[hf,pf,cif,stats] = vartest2(X1,X2,alpha,'right')
hf = 0 pf = 0.4682 cif = 0.3322 Inf stats = fstat: 1.0562 df1: 9 df2: 9
t-test: equality of mean values H0(m1=m2) in case of 'equal' variances (s1=s2)
[ht,pt,cit,statt] = ttest2(X1,X2,alpha,'both','equal')
ht = 0 pt = 0.5143 cit = -1.2947 2.4947 statt = tstat: 0.6653 df: 18 sd: 2.0166