Calculate and plot slope field dx/dt of a 1D system "integrate1D"
- Definition of the variables range t, x and mesh grid to points (tx, xx) to calculate the slope field
- Calculation of the slope field
- Plot the slope field (dt,dx) in the points tx, xx
- Integrate and plot the trajectory into the slope field t=0, x=2
- Integrate and plot the trajectory into the slope field t=0, x=0.01
- plot the trajectory into the slope field t=2, x=2
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Definition of the variables range t, x and mesh grid to points (tx, xx) to calculate the slope field
%upper integration time limit tk=10; t = 0:.5:tk; x = 0:.2:2; % Definition of the rectangular mesh grid for t, x [tx,xx] = meshgrid(t,x);
Calculation of the slope field
Awkward definition of dt used in calculation of dx
dt=1; % calculation of the dx/dt given by the equation dxdt=xx.*(1-xx); % calculation of coresponding dx and dt dx=dxdt*dt; td=ones(length(x),length(t)) * dt;
Plot the slope field (dt,dx) in the points tx, xx
% fixing the figure
axis([0 tk 0 2]);
Current plot held

Integrate and plot the trajectory into the slope field t=0, x=2
initial value t=0, x=2
[t,y]=ode45(@integrate1D,[0 tk],[2]);

Integrate and plot the trajectory into the slope field t=0, x=0.01
%initial value t=0, x=0.1 [t,y]=ode45(@integrate1D,[0 tk],[0.01]); plot(t,y(:,1),'r');

plot the trajectory into the slope field t=2, x=2
%initial value t=2, x=2 [t,y]=ode45(@integrate1D,[0 tk],[2]); plot(t+2,y(:,1),'r');