Calculation and plot of the poincare section of two uncoupled osciators with omega1 and omega2 : omega1/omega2=p/q=rational -> closed orbit, periodic behaviour; omega1/omega2=irational -> quasiperiodic behaviour
close; clear; ps=zeros(2,1);
integration of torus.m
[t,y]=ode45(@torus,[0:0.001:100],[0.5 0.5 0.5]);
%plot projection of the phas space orbit to y1-y2 plane
Current plot held

calculation of poincare section
calculate number of integration steps
n=size(t); %set the index of poincare points to 1 np=1; for i=1:n(1) % detect the cros-section of the trajectory with the plane y1-y2 if(y(i,3)>=(2*pi)*np) % store detected cross-section point y1,y2 to ps1,ps2 ps(np,1)=y(i,1); ps(np,2)=y(i,2); % increase the index of poincare point np=np+1; end end
plot the poincare section
for i=1:np-1 plot(ps(i,1),ps(i,2),'r+') % use pause to folow the plot of the poincare section %pause(2); end %plot(ps(:,1),ps(:,2),'r+');

torus.m file - two uncoupled oscilators with omega1=2 and omega2=3
%function dy=torus(t,y) %dy=zeros(3,1); %dy(1)=y(2); %dy(2)=-(omega1)*y(1); %dy(3)=omega2;