Mehanika polimerov in kompozitov


Magistrski študijski program 2. stopnje STROJNIŠTVO – Razvojno raziskovalni program, 1. & 2. letnik

Predavatelj: Doc. dr. Lidija Slemenik Perše
Asistent: Asist. dr. Marko Bek

Predmet Mehanika polimerov in kompozitov študentom poda temeljna in uporabna znanja o vedenju polimernih in kompozitnih materialov. Študent razume posebnosti časovno odvisnega vedenja polimernih konstrukcijskih materialov in prednosti, ki jih tovrstni materiali nudijo v znanosti in tehniki. Obvladuje matematične pristope za popisovanje vedenja časovno-odvisnih materialov v časovnem in frekvenčnem prostoru in napovedovanje življenjske dobe izdelkov izdelanih iz tovrstnih materialov.

Priporočena literatura:

Polimerni materiali:

  • Ward, Ian M., and John Sweeney. Mechanical properties of solid polymers. John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
  • Cho, Kwang Soo: Viscoelasticity of Polymers: Theory and Numerical Algorithms. Springer, 2016.
  • Aklonis, John J. and MacKnight, William J.: Introduction to Polymer Viscoelasticity. John Wiley & Sons, 1983.
  • Wineman, Alan S., and Kumbakonam Ramamani R.: Mechanical response of polymers: an introduction. Cambridge University Press, 2000.
  • Lakes, Roderic S. Viscoelastic materials. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Tschoegl, Nicholas W.: The phenomenological theory of linear viscoelastic behavior: an introduction. Springer Science & Business Media, 1989 (1st ed).
  • Ferry, John D.: Viscoelastic properties of polymers. John Wiley & Sons, 1980.
  • T. Mezger, The Rheology Handbook: For Users of Rotational and Oscillatory Rheometers, Vincentz, 2002.


  • Composite Materials Design and Applications; D. Gay, S. V. Hoa, S. W. Tsai; CRC Press
  • Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials; M. W. Hyer; McGraw-Hill

Širša tematika:

  • Aditive manufacturing (3D printanje) :Ian Gibson,David Rosen,Brent Stucker: Additive Manufacturing Technologies: 3D Printing, Rapid Prototyping, and Direct Digital Manufacturing, Second edition, Springer, 2014.
  • Spajanje materialov: Troughton, Michael J.: Handbook of plastics joining: a practical guide. William Andrew, 2008.
  • Procesiranje materialov in konstruiranje z polimernimi materiali: Osswald, Tim A., Baur, Erwin, Brinkmann, Sigrid, Oberbach, Karl, and Schmachtenberg, Ernst: International Plastics Handbook, The Resource for Plastics Engineers, Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2006.
  • Eksperimentale metode: Sharpe, William N.: Springer handbook of experimental solid mechanics. Springer Science & Business Media, 2008.