- General view of CEM measuring system
- Thermal bath
- Different samples for relaxometer and dilatometer
- Hidraulic part of CEM measuring system
The measuring system[1] developed at the Center for Experimental Mechanics (CEM) is designed to investigate shear and bulk behavior of materials at different temperatures and high hydrostatic pressures. System is capable to measures shear relaxation modulus, G(t) and bulk creep compliance, B(t) at elevated temperatures and pressures.
Setup allows to obtain directly shear relaxation modulus, G(t) bulk creep compliance B(t) segment, measured at different temperatures from -20°C up to 120°C and pressure up to 4000 bar (400 MPa). After measurement of individual segments are finished, by using time-temperature and time-pressure superposition principle (standard: (ISO/DIS 18437-6:2017 [3])) we are able to construct master curves and predict shear and bulk behavior at reference environmental conditions (i.e. temperatures and pressures) by utilizing Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) and Fillers-Moonan-Tschoegl (FMT) model.